Editing Services


Editing Services

I am currently offering two levels of editing services….


Editorial Consultation

This is a full read of manuscript that goes in depth with a two-hour consultation to discuss findings, plus, an in-depth 4-5 page written analysis of the following:


Overall structural integrity of manuscript

Flow of the manuscript

Overview of idea presentation in the manuscript

General knowledge of basic premise

General overview of audience and person

Suggestions for organization of book/flow

Suggestions for overarching plan forward


30 hours of work: 0-35,000 words = $3,000

40 + hours of work: 35,000-80,000+ words = $4,500+


Structural Edit

This is a substantive edit that analyzes the manuscript in greater depth. Attention is given to areas of strength and weakness, making significant comments and suggestions to the manuscript. However, please note that this consultant is not making changes to the language or copy. The structural edit focuses on a four level analysis: Global Level / Chapter Level / Sections Level / Paragraph Level.


The structural edit asks the following questions of the above four levels:

What is this manuscript set to accomplish?

How clear is it?

How is the flow in each Chapter?

Is the book balanced?

Is the book structurally sound?

Is there voice consistency?

Is this book believable with consistent and convincing arguments and data?


$115 per hour